Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Gorgeous day yesterday, the weather was near perfect!  I saw flowers popping out of the ground in full bloom.  They sounds of leaf blowers are around as with the geese returning.  Spring is almost here.  But in Key West at the Hog Breath it was a wonderful 79.

This morning it is 55 here and 71 at the Hogs Breath.  From Sloppy Joe's it looks like someone went overboard with a fire hose on the street.  I see that there have been yellow garbage cans there for several days.

I sent out several resumes to places I found on the net.  One of them responded.  I will need to look into the company to find out more about them then give them a call later this morning.

I reached out to the people I wanted to keep in touch with at my old job.  They started to block my email address but not fast enough for me to fire off a few emails.

A few people responded giving me their private email addresses.  I wouldn't want to send them personal email on their company addresses.  Speaking on the phone with a woman that was fired just before me (and she is over 45 also, hint, hint,hint) told me not to expect too many responses.  People there are afraid for their jobs and with the way my former boss is being a loose cannon I can understand that.

My wife tells me that since I was canned, that I look more relaxed and younger.  Guess the stress from the one boss was that much of a burden.  The job was detrimental to my health, at least she was.

The rest of the day I spent working around the house doing some spring cleaning with my wife.  Not a chore we look forward to but at least I have some time on my hands to help out a bit.  more of that is in store for today.

I found out how to bring back and use the old Blogger Interface!!!  I like it much better than the new one.

On my job search I think for about an hour I will comb for places in the Keys and cold canvas them.  First find them on the net then shoot them a resume and cover letter.  The cover letter has to be a sales pitch to get them interested in me.  I think I'll try that angle.  Then to target this area.

Anyway it is time to get going on the days events.  I still wish I was in the Key right now.

'till next time

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