Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Had to go into the office yesterday to take care of some final paperwork.  The HR person treated me like a common criminal and demanded that I make an appointment to come back later.  Told her we need to do this now and I will not be back.  She had no other choice.

While in the lobby, she ushered people away from me as if I had some kind of disease.  Talk about rude.  Guess I am not allowed to say goodbye to anyone.  After all these years of loyal service.

One person passed by me and he would not even look at me.  Just gave me the look of disgust.  And here it is we had lunch on a regular basis.  Then again it is well known that he has no back bone and would rather hide in his office.

He told me one day that Key West is the gay capital of the nation.  I highly doubt that.  Granted it might have a cluster of people that are gay there, but so does Fire Island, Greenwich Village, Providence Town, and many other places across the country.  But the capital?  Give me a break.  Even if it was, so what?

I spoke to a friend that they fired as well and she was over 45 also and she pointed out that I should not take it too bad for being snubbed.  Those people were probably afraid for their jobs as well and didn't want that vindictive former boss of mine to go after them.

I did speak with a lawyer and there is not much that can be done about the age discrimination.  It takes loads of money to fight something like that and they will only get out of it in the end.  Plus the EEOC is a paper tiger.  Nice to be in New York.

Great weather outside.  We opened the windows of the house to get some air in and get the winter smells out.  I even saw some buds on a few trees today.  Spring is right around the corner.

This morning it was 54 and it looks like it should be a nice week ahead weather wise.   At the Hogs Breath it is already 76.

I sent out a few resumes already this morning.  I am going to try and keep up the steam on it.

Anyway, I have to get going on the job search,

'till next time.

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