Sunday, March 18, 2012

Woke up to a cold 45 degrees this morning. The sky is overcast and they say rain on Monday. It is to go into the 60's today.

We got back from church and I see that it is a wonderful 80 at the Hogs Breath.  Outside of Sloppy Joe's it looks fantastic.

Have to get the Sunday papers and hit the ads there. I am not too confident with them but all it takes is just one.

Corned beef yesterday, lots of it. This year it was very salty and I had trouble getting it down. Lately with each year the beef seems to change. The last two years it was very fatty. This year salty. Not good for someone who likes corned beef.

Saw two of my nieces after mass.  They both came running and gave us flying tackles.  They are real cute kids.  They both wanted to be tickled so who am I not to give them a good tickle?

We stopped by the water front on the way home and watched the sailboats from one of the yacht clubs in a race.  Someone on the committee boat loved blowing an air horn.  I would have loved to toss the horn and the horn blower overboard.

We saw some moorings out already so it will not be long now before the water is filled with boats once again.    First one or two boats and next thing you know boats everywhere.  Not long now.

Anyway not too much to say today except I really wish I had a computer support job down in the Keys right now.

'till next time.

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