Thursday, March 15, 2012

It was crystal clear last night. So I set up the scope for the first time in about a year. I saw Venus cut in half. by the shadow, the bands of Jupiter ans it's moons, the Orion nebula, Pelades, a few open and closed clusters and of course Mars. It was great.

A neighbor next to us lights up the entire yard with a spot light that they have by one of their doors and usually leaves it on all night long. Last night they turned it off around 8:30 which was great. Thank You!

I printed up some resumes and am headed to a job fair or what I like to call a 'cattle call'. They are a real waste or time and energy and I think this one is not going to be much better. Looking at the list of who is going to be there, most are insurance companies looking for sales people. One travel agency, the Army (at my age?), and a food delivery trucking firm. Not much to pick from.

One of the companies their is an investment firm. I found them on the net and didn't see any job openings. So I sent them a resume anyway, never know. The owner called me in response to the resume. Great. He was not hiring at all. He is at the job fair to sell his services only. A real low blow. That should not be allowed.

I am getting rejection notices by email already.  That hurts and I think that is going to be the hard part to swallow.

It is 45 here and cloudy.  Looking at the Hogs Breath webcam it is 72 and raining.  At Sloppy Joe's you can see it is very wet there. Better that than snow.

One of the people from the old job wrote, they are all scared now.  Who is next for the chopping block and those that are worried the most are the older workers.  They are now seeing that the company is getting rid of people over 45 years old.  What is stopping the class action law suits is a provision in the separation agreement stating you cannot go after them for age discrimination.  You have to sign off on this if you want to get your package.  But like I have said in the past, the EEOC is nothing more than a paper tiger anyway.

Time to get going to the cattle call.

'till next time

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