Sunday, March 4, 2012

My last day at work is soon

The job has been going to hell fast. A disaster recovery company put software on our servers for back up and it has been causing all kinds of problems. My idiot assistant has been telling my boss that the servers are failing and she believes him. Mind you he has no experience in a network environment. So she went out behind my back and hired some consulting firm who sold her virtualization which we do not need. They told her it is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

But what she fails to realize is that it will cost close to $200,000 or more to do. Plus for our size firm there is no need for it. They played her like a fish.

She sent me an email telling me, who is in charge of the network, hands off the servers. Guess my days are very limited. I am going to seek out legal counsel later this week.

The CEO fired his assistant Friday because she was too old. He wants a 30 year old. The one he fired was about 45. I hope she goes after him with a lawyer.

Read that they have found a few pythons in the Keys. Not good. Fla should make it open season on them. The pythons have done a lot of damage and can be man killers. These snakes have been seen swimming 6 miles off shore. The entire specifies should be eradicated from the United States. They serve no good.

New York has a bill pending, the Healthy Workplace Law. It is to stop bullying like what I have been going through at work from my boss. If you are a reader from NY, I urge you to write to your legislator and demand that the bill be made into law.

It is Sunday, time to go to church and get going.

'till next time

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