Tuesday, April 19, 2011

4/19/11 - Another Tuesday

Yesterday was very busy at the office. The meetings were boring as usual. Vendors trying to make a sale. When I was younger I would have told them to take a hike but these days I listen to what they are offering. Never know what turns up down the road and their sales pitch may come in handy.

We wrapped up the shooting the video around 1am. We didn't leave until 2ish. I got home and was thinking why go to bed only to be up again in a few short hours. But the sandman caught up with me and won.

The town has a new street sweeper. Nice looking machine but what a crappy job it does. The driver went up and down the street five times and still left a ton of crap behind. Talk about a waste of tax payers money.

Saw the TV article about the city of Patterson acne their financial woes. The mayor asked that the employees take a furlough, that is an unpaid vacation to save some cash. Even he took one himself. I have to admire that. They had to cut 1/4 of the police force. The cops didn't want to play ball and take a furlough. They held their ground so there was no choice but to let them go. Not good. The citizens have been put at risk. But if the cops worked with the mayor they would still have their jobs.

They could have taken a day here, a day there and spread it out so no one got hurt. But because of the stubbornness they are now unemployed.

Anyway it is Tuesday and I have to get ready to go out and do battle once more.
'till next time.

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