Friday, April 1, 2011

4/1/11 - Been a while

It has been a few days since my last post.  Work has been insane with no end in sight.  At least is is a job and I have to stick it out until something better comes along.

Today is clean up day in the office.  Big deal we gt to wear jeans for the first time and not get yelled at.  Plus we get to top all work for a whole five minutes to clean up.  Then back to work.  Wow I can hardly stand the excitement.

I posted again on Craig's List in hopes of  a new job in Key West.  I know that I am having second thoughts about moving there but if the right opportunity comes around for the right money I would jump at it.

Saw on the news this morning about the newscasters that were released in Libya.  One of them was a woman and she went on how she was brutalized.  Bet you that she was raped as well.  She is not the first by a long shot.  Here it is in that section of the world they demand that the women stay covered head to toe claiming that they are a treasure only to be seen by their husbands.  Yet women over there are brutalized, raped, humiliated, tortured and more all because they are women.  If they try and stand up for their rights they get gang raped and in some cases stoned to death in the streets.  I think they are animals and we should just fly a few B-52's over head filled with nukes and make the place glow at night.

Here is something real sick, Elliot Spitzer has a show on CNN and in one episode he talked about women's rights.  Now that is laugh, he was caught with pants down with a girl that was not his wife.  What about his wife's rights.  He never thought about those.  Talk about a disgrace.  I met Elliot a few years back and what a pompous stuck up ass.  I am glad his wife dumped him.  He was a rotten governor as well.  Not as bad as Paterson but a real close 2nd.

'till next time.

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