Saturday, April 2, 2011

4/2/11 - begins

I got up to the cold this morning. It is freezing! I forgot to mention in yesterday's blog that on my way to work it was snowing! Hey this is April and there should be no snow! At least it didn't stick and was gone before I was able to grab a cup of coffee at work.

Typing this blog on the iPad is interesting. I cannot use the regular composer for it will not work with the browser. So I have to do it in clear text and add the tags for the carriage return. Thankfully I know HTML. The auto correct can be a pain and in my previous entries I had it turned off. Even with it on there are errors.

The game plan for today is to sit down and do my taxes. I hate doing that. A royal pain in the ass. Thankfully I use Turbotax which makes it a bit easier. I hope that I don't have to write a check to the IRS. Talk about thieves. They tax those that bust their asses all day and the rich seem to get away without Getting hurt. Then again they have all these tax shelters to protect themselves. I can't afford that.

I am going to try and post my resume on a few job websites today. Most of them are a waste of time, no make that all of them. The jobs do not exist. But you never know. They claim that things are getting better in the job markets.

I was at the store last night picking up a few things. Some customers were beginning to panic about the radiation from Japan. Nothing to be done folks, besides Chernobyl was a lot worse and the radiation from that did not effect us even thou it was detected around here. I never grew a third arm or anything. People have to calm down.

'till next time.

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