Monday, April 4, 2011

4/4/11 - Nassau County is out of control

I was reading one of my e-papers from my in box the other day and the story was ridiculous. Our current county executive wants to slash jobs to help balance the budget. More jobs lost and higher unemployment for Nassau.

Here is an idea, instead of cutting jobs, cut some of the wages of the over paid politicians.

As an example, the Nassau County police department is the second highest paid department in the United States. Cut some of those wages and you will see a savings.

The teachers in the local public school should also have their wages slashed. They work only 9 months a year and even then it is from 9 to 3. Ok I'll let grading papers slide for a few extra hours. Plus the class sizes are getting smaller and smaller. One year half of the graduating class from the high school was functionally illiterate. And these people demand more money and the budgets get higher and higher. That is to help the teacher buy a new Mercedes every year. I watch then line of them parking in the teachers parking lot on the way to work every day.

Teaching at one point was a noble profession and the teacher made very little. Now they teach the kids to get out of their was as they pick up their 6 figure paychecks.

The roads in Nassau are in need of major repair. Where is the money to do that? In some politicians pockets of being pissed out the window.

If the county executive wants to slash jobs he should do it in his own backyard first and then force the salaries of the high paid workers to be rolled back. We would save a ton of money and keep jobs as well.

'till next time.

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