Thursday, April 14, 2011

4/14/11 - Thursday

Today started out with a chill in the air but later it turned out to be a near perfect day. I'd give it a solid 9. Shame had to work inside on such a wonderful day.

On the way home Tonight we were nearly hit several times by morons in their Mercedes and Other luxury cars. They thought they owned the road. Some even blew through red lights thinking that it was ok for them to go on ahead. We saw a few talking away on the cell phone not paying attention to what they were doing. We nearly bought the farm by one and they had the never to flip us the finger.

I have to admit that it is getting worse by the day around here. Morons with money thing that theirs don't stink behind the wheel of expensive cars. Unfortunately I work with a few just like that. I hate Long Island.
On the flip side of the coin there are a lot of Hispanics here as well. They would be at the other end of the spectrum. They would be the housekeepers, landscapers, cooks, etc. For those with that drive like morons. I hear them outside of the house all night. I am a stranger in my own country. I really hate Long Island.

Had a call for a job today, someone wanted a server architect only I could not understand them very well for they were calling from India. My least favorite country in the world. Too many of our jobs went there putting Americans out of work. Sorry but if you cannot speak clear English and are calling from India, do not waste my time.

It is time to call it a day and grab some dinner and head for the bed. Tomorrow will be another day in paradise.

'till next time.

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