Wednesday, April 27, 2011

4/27/11 - It's hump day!

Hump day, mid week. Over the hump of the week and it is the weekend. Oh happy happy joy joy. Two days  out of the office and doing the clothing change over thing. Sunday looks like that it will be nice.

Yesterday was not bad. Good weather for a change. No rain, no chills, temps in the high 70's (my wife said it 80). The only thing we had was typical Long Island muggy weather. Yuk. I hate it when it is humid. Love the heat but hate the humidity. Then again this is Long Island.

Today promises to be another busy day. Hectic in fact. But the weather is going to be nice which in a way sucks. I have to work indoors so I miss out on the nice weather. Ginger out at lunch is only a tease. When I get home it is too late to really do anything except have dinner then bed.

Spoke to a friend in the U.K. yesterday. He lives near London. They are closing the country for the wedding, a national holiday. He is going to be sure to get far away from there's starting today. Not because of the security, but it is crowded with tourists. More so than normal. He said it I'd hard to move around already. So he is taking a few days and heading to the countryside away from the crowds. Can't say I blame him. He will be back at work on Tuesday. Monday is a bank holiday there as well so take full advantage of it. Two days paid vacation with two days paid holiday and toss in the weekend, great deal.

I received an email from a head hunter last night. Someone in the city. I wonder...

In any case it is time to leave and do battle with self-important morons.
'till next time.

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