Tuesday, April 12, 2011

4/12/11 - Rainy Tuesday

Woke up to overcast skies this morning. They predicted rain and sure enough it started to do so late this morning.  Hope it does not last long.  But better rain than snow any day.

Saw that Texas is having a rough go of it with all the fires.  They have had little to no rain and the brush burns very easily.

Iowa was hit by some bad weather.  Twisters touched down and did quite a bit of damage.  We had three of them here in NY last year.  Something that never happens in NY.

That nut that made the slanderous comment about me in writing went after one of my associates here.  She thinks that she is in charge of repairing the computers.  Like I said earlier she is only a bookkeeper with no technical training or knowledge.  I went to her boss and told her that the reign or terror from the nut has got to come to an immediate end.  Everyone here has had trouble with her.  Big trouble.  But you think I was listened to?  No. I am only a VP, not an accounting officer.  Yep time to look for another job and get the hell out of here.

I used the new version of Google Street View last night and cruised around Key Largo.  Seems that I might have a slightly better chance of landing a new job there instead of Key West.  But like Key West the houses are all on stilts.  Not a good sign.  The next place further north is Miami and from what I hear, that is not the place to be.  A relative was on the job there many years ago and he said it was turning into a little Havana with the influx of refugees.  A friend of my wife went there about two years ago.  She is Spanish and she could not wait to get out.  She said it was so bad that it was like she stepped off the plane in the middle of Havana.  Not a good place.  She even feared for her life.  No good by a long shot.

Had lunch with a V.I.P. and we talked shop, of course.  It was good to get out of the office in any case.

Tonight should be simple.  We are going out to eat.

I was going to make weekend plans but since we are entering Holy Week that kinda puts a halt on them.  We have a few commitments with the church.  Gotta play nice once in a while.

But in the meantime I still have a lot of work to do.

'till next time.

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