Sunday, April 17, 2011

4/17/11 - Palm Sunday

Yesterday it poured cats and dogs in the afternoon.  The wind even picked up to the point that you would think that you were in a gale.  I saw shopping carts get blown across the parking lot.  One gust was so strong it move one of those shopping cart corrals where customers should return the carts.

Not only that...IT WAS COLD!  Where is spring?

During the storm that night we turned off the lights made popcorn and watched a cheesy movie from the late '50s.  to think when it was made that was high drama.  But today it is pure corn.

Sunday was Palm Sunday.  The weather was much better but not perfect.  At least we didn't freeze our tails off like Saturday.

Didn't do a heck of a lot today.  After church we stayed home, putted around the house watched a little TV.  Did some pre-spring cleaning.  That is planning on what we are going to swap out and when.  Big fun.  Try on clothes to see how much we gained over the winter months.  Something I am not looking forward to.

Sent out a few resumes to ads on those job sites.  Never had much faith in them, but gotta give it a try.  Nothing for Key West that is for certain.

I was speaking to one of the women at the office.  Her father moved down there and tells her how depressed it is there.  No jobs.  Only a few are working and those are in the hospitality business.  Like what I spoke about earlier.  She tells me that once the place had plenty of space and you could make a living there.  But now it is so built up with houses on top of each other.  With the large population it is no wonder that jobs there are sparse plus add in the down turn of the economy.  Which by the way I do not see it improving much soon.

Those words from her only helped cement what I have been finding out by using street view and glancing the ads.  Key West just might not be paradise after all.  Maybe if I was ready to retire but now???

Tonight we are going to put on another movie and kick back a bit before calling it a day.  I have a full schedule for Monday.  A vendor meeting, discussing DRP, a meeting with a member of senior management, running over a few thousand lines of programming code, ordering a few computers, meeting with another vendor, diving into a problem with one of our servers, then a full night ahead.

Tuesday is going to be a little better, not by much.  I am going to be in a video and they are shooting it Tuesday evening.  Don't get your hopes up, it is not with any big stars nor will you ever see it on the silver screen or YouTube for that matter.  It is a training video on using some computer hardware.  If you are curious, yes I am the star of the vid.  But don't go out trying to find it.  It is to be used in-house.

'till next time.

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