Monday, October 24, 2011

Fall is here...yuk

The fall is here which means winter is around the corner. Yuk, that also means snow which I hate more than anything. But welcome to NY.

Work has been real lousy too. We have new bosses and they do not like the older people here. By older I mean anyone over 45. In a company wide meeting the CEO said he want to hire young talent to come in and start to take the reigns of the company. Can you read between the lines?

He came into my office and told me to train my assistant to know what I know so he can replace me. Even the COO said that I am to train him to be my replacement. In the next breath she said in the event I get hit by a car. Like I was born yesterday? She did in fact say to be my replacement. Think I am in line to get kicked out of here. Let's see, law suit comes to mind right now.

I learned that the SOB pastor of ours did a real sneaky deal. He made them rich bitch in charge of the ministry that I ran for 6 years. Good riddens. He has his money honey and it will bite him in the ass. After being in the church all of those years and maintaining the ministry for 6 years this is the payback that you get. I was told that the Catholic Church was the most corrupt, politcially motivated organization around, and you know what, they were right!

Still looking to get off of Long Island. The job market still horrible and I doubt that there will be anything happening very soon. But you never know.

Anyway, I need to get back to work. Never know when the axe will fall.
'till next time.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Been a while

It has been a long time since I last posted.  Work has been that busy.  I get home, have dinner, pass out and back to work.  There has been no down time even to read a paper.

The new bosses are really pieces of work.  The CEO wanted a MAC because he liked them.  Well he is the boss so we get him a MacBook Pro.  A top of the line Mac.  It took three weeks to get the damn thing to work on our network.  We are a Windows shop and the Mac would not work with our email server.  We had to jury rig a method so it could.  There were just a lot of problems with it.

So the CFO said it was time to put the Mac experiment to bed and get the CEO a Dell laptop.  The CEO said that he would buy the Mac for himself after we make the switch over.  The CFO made a remark that if the CEO does not buy the Mac that he would so we were not stuck with the machine.

The new Dell came in and we set it up.  When the CEO was asked why did he want the Mac he said only for the cool factor.  He never used one before.  WTF?  I mean give me a break, for the cool factor?

We cleaned up the machine, took it off the domain and made it the same way it was when it came out of the box.  I brought the machine to the CEO since he said that he would buy it.  He now said that he is not going to.  He was even bitching about the $26 shipping costs.

So it is now up to the CFO.  He also said that he was not interested in buying the computer.  It is too expensive yet this jerk makes $1.5 mil a year.

We have had it for over 30 days now and there was no way we could return it to the vendor.  So now I am stuck with a $2,700 computer that we cannot use.  Nice.

I was speaking with one of my other vendors and the subject came up.  He offered to buy the Mac from us.  He offered only $1,000 for the computer.  We would take a $1,700 hit if I did this.

These two a-holes are doing a good mind game on all of us.

So I had my assistant send it back to the dealer.  I have no idea if he did or not since he is has no respect for me his boss.  I never get a straight answer out of him.

We have a few interns working here.  Poor little rich kids with their heads up theirs.  They were working in one of the rooms here putting binders together.  They stopped doing that and some time went by.  There was a meeting to be held in that room and when I went there it was a mess.  Paperclips, staples, scrap paper, the chads from hole punching were all over the place.  I told them to clean up after themselves.  They gave me attitude but they did clean it.  Now they will not even look at me.  Poor babies.

I've been wanting to go to Florida live and work, like that is no secret here in this blog.  Recently we have been watching filmed in Florida on cable.  If you have never seen it, it is about a rescue squad that goes after animals that are found in the area.  Mostly they seem to be focusing on various invasive species.  The worst being Rock Pythons.

Doing a little research to see if the show is legit I was shocked to learn that that Florida is having a major problem with pythons and other creatures that are not native.  Like I said above the worst of the worst is the Rock Python which is a man killer.  And it is found in Miami near the glades.

They said that they will never be able to get rid of the problem but hope to bring it under control.  Makes you really think twice about going there.

With the way the snake is so dangerous, why in the hell were they brought into the country in the first place?  What is wrong with people?  I feel that the import of these creatures should be banned and any and all of them should be captured and killed.  Total open season.  The only place for things like this is in a zoo.

Major restrictions on the importation of dangerous animals like these should be imposed and those that have them should surrender them for elimination or face severe fines.

We had Irene come through here not too long ago.  I went to the store for a few things like chip and dip for a hurricane party.  People all over were in a panic stocking up as if it there would never be food again.  Our daughter bought a few candles and out them on the belt at the check out.  Some woman tried to steal them from her.  What gives?  Are people that desperate that they have to steal from other customers while on the checkout lines?

One of our sons lost his wallet on the LIRR.  He called the LIRR to see if they could have a conductor look where he was sitting just to see if the wallet was there.  But they refused.  They told him to fill out a form, send it back and in ten days they might address the issue.  WTF LIRR?  They charge a fortune to ride the trains, the trains are very uncomfortable, they never give you a chance to get into a seat and rush you off the train, pound the drum in great customer service and will not give any?  The LIRR should be taken over by Amtrak or someone else.

Anyway, a lot of time has gone by, summer as sucked so far and I still have a load of crap to get to.

'till next time

Sunday, June 26, 2011

The new bosses

We have two new bosses in our company, a CEO and CFO. Both of them have their heads so far up theirs it is amazing. Both of them look down their noses at people and let you know that they are better than you.

The CFO refuses to return phone calls or emails to those he feels are below him. This a-wipe thinks that the whole world revolves around him and him alone. He is even making decisions for the CEO as far as what kind of furniture and computers he wants. Another self-important jerk.

Posting on more job website than ever. Not too hopeful but you never know.

It is Sunday, feels like it is gooing to be muggy as all hell.

Went to the Fortunoff Mall the other day. Sad. Last year it was filled with stores and crowds, now it is a ghost town. I counted 32 empty stores on the main level alone. Plus 6 empt kiosks. The food court was down to only 4 vendors. They had 10. Even McDonalds was gone. I wonder how much longer it is
before the rest of the stores vanish.

'till next time

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Been a few days

It has been a few days since my last entry. Been very busy at work and at home.

The weather had been rough. For several days the heat and humidity was unbearable. Mostly the humidity. We finally had a break towards the end of the week ending in violent thunderstorms yesterday. Power was knocked out all over the area. A relative got hers back in about an hour and we were about seven hours later.

I woke up around 3am and the fog was so thick I could not see across the street. Went back to bed and we finally got up at 7 to clear skies and a wonderful day. Hope it stays like this.

We have a new CEO at the office. A real piece of work. Condescending does not even come close to describing this guy.   Now he runs the place and in his first speech to all of us he said that he worked hard in getting our company off the ground. The way he looks down his nose I don't beleave him.

He said that he worked with a Mac at his last job so we got him a Mac. It is the first and will be the only Mac in the fleet. It took us 3 days just to get it to work on our network and there still are issues. One of the techs asked about it and he said that he never used a Mac before. It just looks cool. I am beyond furious. We spent $2500 on a Mac for this guy because he said he used one at his last job and it turns out he did't! We are in for a rough time ahead.

One of our execs has had it with this guy and is ready to walk. One week and he is ready? Can't say I blame him. I am going to look harder too. So back to Craig's List only I expanded my search to the lower keys. Maybe the pickings will be better there.

Time to get going, lots to do around the house and I am going to visit a few friends this morning.

'till next time.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Ugly week with one exception

This week was an ugly one, weather wise.  Wednesday and Thursday the humidity was unbearable.  We broke down and had to turn on the air conditioners.  There goes the LIPA bill.

Met the new CEO early this week.  Seems alright.  One of our execs says he is going to quit before the CEO officially takes over.  We will see.  I have a feeling that we are in for a rough ride for the next few months.  I just hope he does not get the idea to let everyone go or move the office closer to where he lives.

There is a young woman here, a real cute one at that.  We have been having lunch a few times this week.  Today she is dressed in this lightweight dress showing leg, lots of leg.  She is a knock out.  Have to admit I am attracted to her. If I was older and not married...

Shame that she is going out with this guy.  I understand that he has kids and does not want them to meet her.  I have a feeling that he has her for something on the side and does not want mama to know.

It was insane busy here on Tuesday.  Couldn't get a break.  The rest of the week slowed up.  But I still cannot catch up.

I am working on a major project here.  My boss is taking full credit for it and doing no work on it at all.  Guess that is the corporate way.  I should be use to that by now.

Have to work this weekend.  Kinda sucks but since no one will be here I will get no interruptions.  That is nice.

My wife roped me into going to that stupid fair for the church on Sunday.  Have to spend the whole day there.  Not looking forward to it at all.

Still posted on Craig's list.  So far the area does not look promising and the low lying landscape is not very reassuring.  But I really need to get the hell out of here.  I can't stand living in New York any more and would love to move where there is no snow.  In all these months I have had much luck with Key West and call me stupid, but I am still going to try anyway.

'till next time.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

It is hitting the fan

I am going to have to do this entry it pieces...reason is that it has been hitting the fan like you would not believe.

First off but this is not the good stuff, there was a house near where I live. It went on the market and sold pretty quickly. The buyer tore it down and is not building three two family buildings there. Each has no yard. They are cramming them into a small spot. We are so over crowded where I live you can't find a place to park now. The main roads are like parking lots with the amount of traffic. And these places are going to rent for over $3,000 per month. That is the rents of a few buildings just down the street from there. It is out of control.

On the way to work I see people running a particular stop sign all the time. Even in front of a cop car and the officer ignores it. Of course those that a running the sign have brand new Mercedes or BMW's, etc. Guess if you have money you are above the law. Our taxes hard at work.

Looks like I might be out of job but not any time soon.  So I figure that we will have 6 months of work left.  Gotta try Craig's list again.

This coming few weeks is going to be interesting at best.  Let's see how it rides out but I am not too hopeful for a long time stay.

The town of Port Washington is having their annual street fair called Harbor Day.  Talk about a waste of time.  They have the whole lower section of Port Washington blocked off for these out of town street vendors to sell their junk.  It originally was for the local but now, like a carnival all the lime come out of the wood work.  Plus the crowds!  OMG, you cannot move.  We drove by there only to turn around and leave.

Since I brought up lower Main Street in Port Washington, we had dinner with some friends at Louie's the other day.  It is the first time I've been in there since it was sold.  It is night and day different inside.  I didn't recognize it at all.  I didn't like the new look one bit.  The food was good, but the service was pathetic.  Took them forever to take our orders and to bring us the food.  We nearly walked out.  Strange they had a large crowd.

'till next time

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day 2011

Woke to thunder storms this morning. The forecast for the day is hot and humid. Typical Long Island summer weather. The storms should be gone by 10ish but you never know. One thing is for sure it will be muggy.

Yesterday at church was the regular church music. Normally on the day before Memorial Day at the end of mass they play the national anthem. Since we have a new pastor that song is no longer played on or near the holidays that honor our country. This guy is a piece of work.

Saturday the Town of North Hempstead had a fireworks show in Hemstead Harbor. Traffic in the area was shut down because of the crowds. Long gone are the 4th of July fireworks. They don't shoot them off any more around here. First is the cost of the show, next and this is the main reason, insurance. It costs a fortune in insurance costs yet there have been no claims.

Schumer was on TV talking about the high price of gasoline and how he feels that we are getting ripped off by the oil companies. Shame I've heard those words before. Big oil has been screwing the American motorist since the fake oil crisis in the 1970's. Politicians scream about the prices and nothing is ever done about it.

Saw Palin on the back of a hog in the rolling thunder parade in DC. What on Earth is she doing there? The parade or tour is to honor those who were left behind in 'Nam. She was using this as a photo op as a bid for the next elections. You listened to her on the back of the hog and she sounded just like trash. Not someone you would want in office.

There is no question that summer is here. You have to listen to that hokey electronic music from the ice-cream trucks several times a day. Where I live there are three different trucks that roam here and they each make a pass at least twice. One goes by three times. Circus Man, a used Mr. Softee truck now sporting the name Mr. Ice Cream and some turkey with a hand made sign in the front window that say 'Mel.'. What kind of brand is that? Mel?

If you want noise pollution, we have it. All day long with those trucks. The town should outlaw them.

I have more to say but there is a lot that needs to be done around the house.

'till next time and have a Happy Memorial Day.

Monday, May 23, 2011

5/23/11 - Zombie attack....not

May 21st was to be the rapture of the zombies. Nut jobs forecasted that second of the signs of the end of the world. Living dead would come back as the Earth split open by massive Earth quakes to devour the living. It was good for a laugh. Nothing ever happened, no zombies, no rapture, no end of life. "Praise the Lord the world is coming to an end.  Repent sinners, repent!  The Zombies are going to eat your brains!"  Gotta love these nut jobs.

Speaking of nut jobs, my kids showed this one on YouTube that screams and curses all the time. Some red head kid, not going to give you his handle here for he does not need the extra publicity. He went on screaming and rambling without any train of thought. He has several videos like that. Wonder how do the neighbors stand him and why no one has beaten some sense into him. I would love to see the men in the white coats drive up and put a straight jacket on him.

The weather here has been horrible.  Rain, rain and more rain.  When it the rain stops it is as humid as all hell.  Today is muggy but chilly.
I stopped off at the local Stop and Shop and while checking out there was a woman who was obviously Islamic bagging the food.  She never looked up almost as if she was embarrassed.  She finally made eye contact with me but gave a timid smile.  It was later that I learned that in some sects of Islam women are not allowed to look at men even in the United States.  What the????  How can people live like that?  To me that is crazy in all aspects.

Time to go back to work.

'till next time.

Friday, May 20, 2011

5/20/11 - Higher Taxes

The school budget passed with flying colors, again. This means even higher taxes for us. Already our taxes are insane and a lot of people are having trouble keeping up with them. Now it is going to be worse.

All I can say it the voters were a bunch of dumb asses. No two ways about it. But at the same time even if the budget failed the vote which it has only once as far back as I can remember, the contingency budget is still higher than the current one which will still push the taxes up. It is a no win situation. We get screwed over by the out of control school system no matter what happens.

The schools are always at the ready to toss out the threat that the children would be deprived of an education if the budget fails. That is a crock of bull. By state law you cannot hold back education from the children. What they are not telling you is that the teachers will not get as high a raise.

The teachers here work only 6 month out of the year and make on the average of $120k per year! And of the 6 months that they work, they work only 6 hours a day! A job where you make $120k for only 6 months at part time hours. Great life.

But then they will toot the horn saying how difficult it is and how hard they work. Yet the school system has stated that they do not want to teach the children how to read until the 3rd grade. That is something that the voters never realized. I learned that from someone who work in the schools. That is the official mandate. They would rather work with the children with their social skills. Forget the ABC's. No wonder the graduating classes of the high school are illiterate.

Rain all week so far. We had the sun for a few hours yesterday and that was it. More rain in the forecast for today and into the weekend. Yuk. Better rain than snow, that is for sure.

We had one of THOSE lectures at the job. Sexual harassment and discrimination. Talk about a waste of time. I was falling asleep during it. The person giving the talk wanted to do a full day for staff and another full day for managers. The front office talked them down to 3 hours each. And what was gone over could have been done in 30 minutes.

The worst thing about this it will give a nut job an idea or two.  Unfortunately we have one of those nut jobs in the office.  She will thump the bible one minute and stab you in the back the next and the company lets her get away with it.

Saw that Arnie was caught double dipping.  He joined the ranks of Clinton, Woods, Letterman, Spitzer and so many others.  The Terminator as been terminated.  Maria made sure of that.

I have more to say, but I am tired from a very long week.  It is Friday and I am going to grab a few and call it a day.

'till next time.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

5/17/11 - School Budget Vote

Today is the vote for the school budget. We must have four calls at the house yesterday with live people telling us to vote yes. My wife gave each of them a piece of her mind.

First off who in the hell are they calling an unlisted number in the first place? Next we are on the do not call list, which is a joke to begin with so how in the hell did they get our number? Finally are they crazy? Don't they realize that by voting yes you stand to send your already insanely high taxes even higher? Even if the budget fails the contingent buddy is only 2 million short of the one they have planned now and that too will send taxes higher.

And through all of this come the threats that the children will be deprived of a sound education. Guess what, the children do not suffer at all! They might cut a few bus routes but the big thing is never touched and that is these teachers who only work 180 days a year and only 6 hours a day still get their raises that are way over the cost of living increase. That is what the deal is, payroll not education. Most of the kids coming out of high school have to enroll into extra help classes in college before attending regular classes. So what is the problem? The teachers in my town do not care if you learn anything. The kids all get passed along to higher grades because of social promotion not because they are ready for the next step. The thinking is that they will catch up later on. But later on is too late.

Our school system here needs a good enema to get rid of the crap that is running the school board and classrooms.

Today it is pouring cats and dogs. And it is freezing as well. Had to boast the heat a few notches. Where is spring?

'till next time.

Monday, May 16, 2011

5/16/11 - Cold wet Monday

Woke up to another cold and wet Monday.  I really hate this weather.  Wish it was warm all year round, but never on Long Island.

Stopped off for a donut this morning. The town parking lot is divided into commuter parking and metered parking.  Obviously I went to the metered parking.  There was a cop parked at the other side of the parking lot in their new hot rod Dodge Charger.

The meters in the parking lot have a button when you push it you get a free 10 minutes of parking. So I pushed it to get the free minutes and went into the donut shop.  No sooner than I went in the cop raced to where I was parked and made sure that the button was pushed.  He even parked behind my car thinking that I would be longer than the 10 minutes to give me a ticket.  Talk about desperate.  I was out in 4 minutes with plenty of time to spare.  He was not happy.

There is a woman here in the office that goes to lunch with me from time to time.  She wanted to go on Friday but I had to run out to the house.  So today we are going to lunch together.  Nice woman, great personality, pleasant person.  And she is cute too.  I feel bad for her, she lost her husband a year ago to a bad accident.  That didn't slow her down.  Strong woman.  I almost think that she has an eye out for me.  Cool.

We are going to have a sexual harassment lecture later this week.  OMG.  Talk about a waste of time.  With the way that crap is going today it is no wonder why they have them.  A lot of people are sue happy and this helps to try and stop or lower the amount of lawsuits.  But one of the big problems with these kinds of lectures, it gives nut jobs ideas.  We had this lecture two years ago and it did give a nut job an idea.  She made up a false complaint on someone here.  The investigation lasted three months and it turned out that she made up the whole thing.  The way the laws are written she was able to get away with it and nothing could be done about it.  Welcome to New York.

Time to get back to work.

'till next time.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

5/15/11 - The weekend

Saturday is finally here. Thank God the work week is over. No major disasters during the week thankfully.
One of my staff lost a relative on Friday. Friday the 13th is now a bad luck day for him. We wanted to pay our respects but there services are private. I can respect that. My prayers are with him.

I saw the cardiologist the other day. No bad news but nothing super positive either. Status quo. At one point it looked like I was going in for surgery but at least now that has been pushed back. It might happen it might not. It will remain a crap shoot for now. I have to lose weight in any case.

The FAA has re-routed jet traffic to fly over the north shore. Now we listen to the constant sound of low flying jets. The people in Howard Beach which is right by JFK have been complaining about the noise for years. Can't say I blame them but they moved there long after the airport was built so they knew what they were getting into.  So they do not have the right to complain.  But they did not we are forced to listen to the constant noise where we never had to before or at least on rare occasions.  One good thing it could potentially lower property values making the area more affordable.

Today is damp cold and snotty.  Not nice weather at all.  Up until yesterday we had some decent weather.  Not too hot not too cold.  But now it feels like that we are back in winter.  Looking out the window I see the skies are darkening and getting ready for rain.  Seems like it always rains on the weekends around here.  Hate it.

Went to the store to grab a few things.  I lost count in how many people like to run red lights around here.  I saw them blow through red lights right in front of police cars and the cops didn't do a thing.

Even the hands free cell phone law is a joke.  I've seen people talking on a cell phone in front of a cop and nothing is done.  Love it.

Sunday I woke up to a down pour.  Rain and more rain.  At least the grass will grow but it looks like a wet weekend summer ahead, again.

Debating if we should go to church today or not.  After the way the priest lied to me I really do not want to step into the building again.  Shame, we have been members of that parish for over 25 years.  But it is going down hill fast.

Hope to get some work done in the house today.  Would be a good day for it.  The tomorrow we start afresh with another day in paradise.

'till next time.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

5/11/11 - Busy Monday

It was very busy for a Monday. Not only in the office but with things outside the office.

Right after 911 the whole country went into panic mode in regards to airport security. After all those bastards did use jet airliners as guided missiles to kill thousands of innocent lives. Then there was the moron who had a bomb in his shoe and let's not forget the other moron with a bomb in his crotch that cooked his genitals instead. No wonder they are now doing electronic strip searches with pat downs (or as one friend calls it groping your goodies).

My wife and I have always commented what about other forms of mass transit like trains. We have taken the Amtrak, LIRR, Path and various subways and were never inspected once. Of course Penn Station now has bomb sniffers but those a not that accurate for they sniff large areas and nothing pin point. So it would not be too difficult for some moron to do something. Only now did Chuck Schumer make a statement that we need to protect our rail service. Hey Chuck what took you so long?

Next let's look at the bus service and let us not forget our bridges and tunnels. As Americans we have the right to travel without any restrictions. But thanks to low functioning idiotic Islamic fundamentalists with nothing but hate in their hearts we are slowly having those rights taken away.

Now don't think that I feel all of those that practice Islam are that way. I now of several people who do practice it and they feel the same way. After all it takes only a few bad apples to ruin the whole bunch.
what needs to be done is not nip the problem from the very start. If we took out BinLaden years ago we would not have had 911 in the first place. A little covert mission to eradicate a threat before it gets too big is in order. We have the capabilities, or at least did before Washington became candy-assed.

It is that time for the school budgets once again.  The newspaper gave a percentage increase and no numbers.  Makes you wonder how bad it will be.  Then we got the proposed budget in the mail and then had heart attacks.  It is outlandish at the amount the school board wants.

Each year the budget gets higher and higher and higher.  Each year our taxes get worse and worse and worse.  People simply can no longer to afford to live here because of the high taxes.  The school budget is the largest factor around.

Only once has the budget ever been defeated.  And then the school board was mandated by the state to go to an austerity budget.  What a joke that was.  The budget went up but not as high as the board wanted in the first place.  The following year the budget was even higher than the one voted down in the previous year and passed!

The school teachers make excellent salaries with all the bennies.  Well over $100K a year.  And they do not work full time either.  They work only 180 days a year.  Something is wrong with this picture.  And to boot, a lot of the kids graduating out of the high school are illiterate.  A lot of colleges, especially Nassau Community College has the fundamental programs for students to attend before they can take regular classes.  They even have a program that is below high school level just to get these kids onto a level playing field.

Each year the school tosses out hundreds of good and new text books only to buy them again in the fall.  What ever happened to using them for a few years?  Talk about a waste of money.

Everyone complains about the budget and you hear the word "No" all over.  But each year the budget gets passed.  Long Island is out of control with the way the costs are going up.

I received a job offer by be someone's personal assistant.  I could make $250 a day doing this.  Errr and...  It will only cost me...ready? A small deposit of only $1,000 to get started...what a deal!  Gimmie a break!!  Talk about a scam.

The church is still as horrible as ever.  That nut job went ahead and made an announcement about her page being launched.  The priest did not say anything like that this is not an official church site.  He claimed that he knew nothing but in all actuality he knew all about it and is pretending that he didn't know a thing.  Yes priests can lie too.  My wife and I were talking about leaving the parish because it is going to the toilet faster than you know what through a goose.

'till next time.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

4/28/11 - Muggy Thursday

Woke up to 60 degree temp but 100% humidity today. Feels like the high 70's. Typical Long Island muggy weather. Better than snow.

Forecast is heavy rains this afternoon through the night. In some areas flood warnings have been issued. With the over development of Nassau County why am I not surprised. We a way too crowded.

Posted on this morning. Craig's list has been fruitless, but at least it offers some hope.

I was contacted by a headhunter yesterday by email. I think she was just fishing. I sent her my resume anyway. You never know.

The way the job is going, I really cannot wait to leave the company. It is getting bad there. Too much tension and closed door meetings. More so than ever. My wife tells me to sit tight and ride it out. With the way the job market is I really have no choice. So that is what I am doing, riding out the storm to the bitter end unless something better comes along. In the meantime I still have to give it my all no matter what.

Scott Adams cartoon about Dilbert is a real good reflection of the company. I wonder if he has a webcam watching us.

Time to get ready to do battle once more.

'till next time.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

4/27/11 - It's hump day!

Hump day, mid week. Over the hump of the week and it is the weekend. Oh happy happy joy joy. Two days  out of the office and doing the clothing change over thing. Sunday looks like that it will be nice.

Yesterday was not bad. Good weather for a change. No rain, no chills, temps in the high 70's (my wife said it 80). The only thing we had was typical Long Island muggy weather. Yuk. I hate it when it is humid. Love the heat but hate the humidity. Then again this is Long Island.

Today promises to be another busy day. Hectic in fact. But the weather is going to be nice which in a way sucks. I have to work indoors so I miss out on the nice weather. Ginger out at lunch is only a tease. When I get home it is too late to really do anything except have dinner then bed.

Spoke to a friend in the U.K. yesterday. He lives near London. They are closing the country for the wedding, a national holiday. He is going to be sure to get far away from there's starting today. Not because of the security, but it is crowded with tourists. More so than normal. He said it I'd hard to move around already. So he is taking a few days and heading to the countryside away from the crowds. Can't say I blame him. He will be back at work on Tuesday. Monday is a bank holiday there as well so take full advantage of it. Two days paid vacation with two days paid holiday and toss in the weekend, great deal.

I received an email from a head hunter last night. Someone in the city. I wonder...

In any case it is time to leave and do battle with self-important morons.
'till next time.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

4/24/11 - Happy Easter

Happy Easter to everyone!

Easter Sunday, looking over towards the west I see dark skies threatening rain. The weather forecasters said down pours this afternoon. Yuk. Still a bit chilly but not like it has been. Still not spring weather.

Going to spend a good part of the day doing paperwork. At least I will not be interrupted by phone call after phone call. And this work that I have to do is very critical since it is related to DRP/BCP. Everyone thinks there will be another 9/11 so the whole world is in a panic. So I have my work cut out for me.

Went to church last night so we are not going today. That really frees up the morning.

Spent most of yesterday trying to clean that virus off the computer at work. Brought the drive home and ran several tools on it. I had to use both Linux and a Window live CD on an old laptop that if it gets infected I can wipe out easily with no loss. So far I didn't make much headway. There is a root kit that will not get removed. Symantec did a great job alright. Really horrible anti-virus.

Tomorrow is going to be hell- on-wheels. I am going to be swamped with meetings all day and vendor visits. Better eat a ton of lamb today for the energy.
'till next time.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

4/23/11 - Cold wet Saturday

It is totally miserable outside today. Cold and pouring rain. At least there is no snow thank goodness. I doubt spring will ever get here at this rate.

The price of gas has hit a high of $4.25 for regular. Soon it will be at $5. Last time it hit that high was right after Katrina hit the oil rigs. The oil companies put a gun to our heads and ripped us off. Now they are doing it again. If there is any commercial enterprise that should be investigated for ripping off the American consumer it is big oil.

They like to put the blame of the high price on the Mideast oil cartel but we buy very little from them. Maybe 10% at the most. So you know that we are getting hammered.
Today we are getting ready for Easter. No young kids so we do not have to do the egg thing. But last minute items have to be bought for dinner tomorrow. We have the lamb already. Talk about small! We has to buy 2 legs instead on one. The are not letting them grow enough. Guess they want to push the volume out. At least the price was reasonable.

'till next time.

Friday, April 22, 2011

4/22/11 - This is not spring!

It has been cold over the past few days. This is not spring by a long shot. I am glad we didn't start the spring clothing change over. Someone has to tell the powers that be winter is over and done with.

Haven't posted on Craigs List in a few days.

The more I learn about Key West is making me re-think about going there. Maybe I should target another part of the country where it never snows.

I'm still not happy at the job. I am so tired of dealing with morons with their heads shoved up their butts. But there are no jobs on Long Island. We have to be as bad as what I am learning about the Keys. I am sure I could get a job flipping burgers for $10 an hour. But that does not come close to what I earn now, not even close. "C" level jobs are beyond hard to get. So I have to deal with the self-important jerks.

Had a doctors appointment in Manhasset, a slight drive from where we live but we've been going to him for sometime. Great doctor, knows his stuff not only that a great personality too. That is very important. Anyway I pass 3 Nassau County police cars parked next to each other with the cops in the talking away. It was obvious it was a b.s. session. You see it all over. Everyone stops what they are doing just to b.s. Nothing wrong with that.

The appointment ran over an hour, things at the doctor got backed up from some issue earlier on. It happens. Left his office, stopped off for a cup of coffee and headed back home. Real exciting stuff. But what is interesting is that when I passed the spot where the cops were, they were still their. No one moved. More of our taxed hard at work.

I've even come across cops dozing in their cars at night. Great protection we have.

Went to the theater last night. The performance was outstanding. But the dinner before hand sucked. Seems like whenever you eat out in NYC you should eat at home first. They put very little on your plate and charge you a fortune for it. But that is NYC for you. Over pricing is the specialty.

It is Good Friday today and the office should be quiet. I need the break. But I am going home early myself. Why not? With the way I am respected there I might as well take advantage of it. Maybe I'll hit Monster dot com or a few other sites like that during the quiet but then again I just might be busy.

'till next time.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

4/19/11 - Another Tuesday

Yesterday was very busy at the office. The meetings were boring as usual. Vendors trying to make a sale. When I was younger I would have told them to take a hike but these days I listen to what they are offering. Never know what turns up down the road and their sales pitch may come in handy.

We wrapped up the shooting the video around 1am. We didn't leave until 2ish. I got home and was thinking why go to bed only to be up again in a few short hours. But the sandman caught up with me and won.

The town has a new street sweeper. Nice looking machine but what a crappy job it does. The driver went up and down the street five times and still left a ton of crap behind. Talk about a waste of tax payers money.

Saw the TV article about the city of Patterson acne their financial woes. The mayor asked that the employees take a furlough, that is an unpaid vacation to save some cash. Even he took one himself. I have to admire that. They had to cut 1/4 of the police force. The cops didn't want to play ball and take a furlough. They held their ground so there was no choice but to let them go. Not good. The citizens have been put at risk. But if the cops worked with the mayor they would still have their jobs.

They could have taken a day here, a day there and spread it out so no one got hurt. But because of the stubbornness they are now unemployed.

Anyway it is Tuesday and I have to get ready to go out and do battle once more.
'till next time.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

4/17/11 - Palm Sunday

Yesterday it poured cats and dogs in the afternoon.  The wind even picked up to the point that you would think that you were in a gale.  I saw shopping carts get blown across the parking lot.  One gust was so strong it move one of those shopping cart corrals where customers should return the carts.

Not only that...IT WAS COLD!  Where is spring?

During the storm that night we turned off the lights made popcorn and watched a cheesy movie from the late '50s.  to think when it was made that was high drama.  But today it is pure corn.

Sunday was Palm Sunday.  The weather was much better but not perfect.  At least we didn't freeze our tails off like Saturday.

Didn't do a heck of a lot today.  After church we stayed home, putted around the house watched a little TV.  Did some pre-spring cleaning.  That is planning on what we are going to swap out and when.  Big fun.  Try on clothes to see how much we gained over the winter months.  Something I am not looking forward to.

Sent out a few resumes to ads on those job sites.  Never had much faith in them, but gotta give it a try.  Nothing for Key West that is for certain.

I was speaking to one of the women at the office.  Her father moved down there and tells her how depressed it is there.  No jobs.  Only a few are working and those are in the hospitality business.  Like what I spoke about earlier.  She tells me that once the place had plenty of space and you could make a living there.  But now it is so built up with houses on top of each other.  With the large population it is no wonder that jobs there are sparse plus add in the down turn of the economy.  Which by the way I do not see it improving much soon.

Those words from her only helped cement what I have been finding out by using street view and glancing the ads.  Key West just might not be paradise after all.  Maybe if I was ready to retire but now???

Tonight we are going to put on another movie and kick back a bit before calling it a day.  I have a full schedule for Monday.  A vendor meeting, discussing DRP, a meeting with a member of senior management, running over a few thousand lines of programming code, ordering a few computers, meeting with another vendor, diving into a problem with one of our servers, then a full night ahead.

Tuesday is going to be a little better, not by much.  I am going to be in a video and they are shooting it Tuesday evening.  Don't get your hopes up, it is not with any big stars nor will you ever see it on the silver screen or YouTube for that matter.  It is a training video on using some computer hardware.  If you are curious, yes I am the star of the vid.  But don't go out trying to find it.  It is to be used in-house.

'till next time.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

4/14/11 - Thursday

Today started out with a chill in the air but later it turned out to be a near perfect day. I'd give it a solid 9. Shame had to work inside on such a wonderful day.

On the way home Tonight we were nearly hit several times by morons in their Mercedes and Other luxury cars. They thought they owned the road. Some even blew through red lights thinking that it was ok for them to go on ahead. We saw a few talking away on the cell phone not paying attention to what they were doing. We nearly bought the farm by one and they had the never to flip us the finger.

I have to admit that it is getting worse by the day around here. Morons with money thing that theirs don't stink behind the wheel of expensive cars. Unfortunately I work with a few just like that. I hate Long Island.
On the flip side of the coin there are a lot of Hispanics here as well. They would be at the other end of the spectrum. They would be the housekeepers, landscapers, cooks, etc. For those with that drive like morons. I hear them outside of the house all night. I am a stranger in my own country. I really hate Long Island.

Had a call for a job today, someone wanted a server architect only I could not understand them very well for they were calling from India. My least favorite country in the world. Too many of our jobs went there putting Americans out of work. Sorry but if you cannot speak clear English and are calling from India, do not waste my time.

It is time to call it a day and grab some dinner and head for the bed. Tomorrow will be another day in paradise.

'till next time.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

4/12/11 - Rainy Tuesday

Woke up to overcast skies this morning. They predicted rain and sure enough it started to do so late this morning.  Hope it does not last long.  But better rain than snow any day.

Saw that Texas is having a rough go of it with all the fires.  They have had little to no rain and the brush burns very easily.

Iowa was hit by some bad weather.  Twisters touched down and did quite a bit of damage.  We had three of them here in NY last year.  Something that never happens in NY.

That nut that made the slanderous comment about me in writing went after one of my associates here.  She thinks that she is in charge of repairing the computers.  Like I said earlier she is only a bookkeeper with no technical training or knowledge.  I went to her boss and told her that the reign or terror from the nut has got to come to an immediate end.  Everyone here has had trouble with her.  Big trouble.  But you think I was listened to?  No. I am only a VP, not an accounting officer.  Yep time to look for another job and get the hell out of here.

I used the new version of Google Street View last night and cruised around Key Largo.  Seems that I might have a slightly better chance of landing a new job there instead of Key West.  But like Key West the houses are all on stilts.  Not a good sign.  The next place further north is Miami and from what I hear, that is not the place to be.  A relative was on the job there many years ago and he said it was turning into a little Havana with the influx of refugees.  A friend of my wife went there about two years ago.  She is Spanish and she could not wait to get out.  She said it was so bad that it was like she stepped off the plane in the middle of Havana.  Not a good place.  She even feared for her life.  No good by a long shot.

Had lunch with a V.I.P. and we talked shop, of course.  It was good to get out of the office in any case.

Tonight should be simple.  We are going out to eat.

I was going to make weekend plans but since we are entering Holy Week that kinda puts a halt on them.  We have a few commitments with the church.  Gotta play nice once in a while.

But in the meantime I still have a lot of work to do.

'till next time.

Monday, April 11, 2011

4/11/11 - Boring Monday

Another boring Monday at the office. Worked on a proposal for renovations to our systems which will cost several hundred thousand. I am sure that I will get the money.

It was a perfect day out today. To bad it couldn't be this all the time. But this is New York.

Saw that the NYC school chancellor was forced to resign after only a few months in office. Her mouth runneth over with a degrading comment. Her career is over.

Saw a police officer driving in his cruiser talking on his cell phone. We have a hands free law here, guess he didn't hear about it. But he is not the first. I've seen many on the job doing just that. Some think that they are above the law.

Not going to do much tonight. Maybe watch the tv but is generally a waste since there is nothing on. I just might call it an early night.

'till next time.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

4/10/11 - A cold Sunday

Yesterday was next to perfect.  If it was a few degrees warmer then it would have been perfect.  Today is no comparison.  The sky is overcast, chilly, damp in other words, yuk.

Went to church and started to fall asleep during the sermon.  I am probably not the only one.  Now what did he say?

A little talk afterward was the budget crunch that threatened to close down the nation.  They are going to slash programs and hurt the regular American.  Here is an idea, get rid of the over paid politicians, stop wasting money of nonsense projects and items, stop sending billions and billions of dollars over seas and stop fighting other countries wars.  Imagine the amount of money you would save. If I wasn't so honest I should run for office.

Today we are going to start our spring cleaning.  Oh happy happy joy joy, what a lot of fun.  If I am lucky I might just skip out for a spell and find something more productive to do.  Like tossing down a few cold ones.  But with my luck no way will that happen.

'till next time.

Friday, April 8, 2011

4/8/11 - The end of the week

Getting to the end of a long week.  I cannot wait for it to be finally over.

Thursday was very unique.   The woman that made a slanderous remark about me went after one of my assistants.  She told him that she was the boss and in charge of what goes on with the computers.  Mind you she is only a bookkeeper.  Nothing more and nothing less.  Part of her job is to be the admin of a hosted program.  Period.  And she guards that like a hawk.

One of the women here came up to me this morning in a panic.  Her computer was hit by a virus at home.  She was so sick I had to hold her hands to stop her from shaking.  So I had to go there after work to fix it.

Now Friday is here, the end of the week. I am glad it is over. Only a few more hours and I am out of that hell hole of a job for two days.

Looking outside it looks like another damp day. At least I will be indoors.

There is a big project I need to address today as well. I just might keep my office door closed to concentrate on it. I get too many interruptions during the day but will be damned if I work at night on it.  But you never know.  I need the job.

Saw that Google Earth has a new way of incorporating Street View.  Now they bring back the little man icon that you drop onto the streets.  Instead of using the mouse to move around you can use the arrow keys on the keyboard.  Almost like a virtual car.  But it has problems. Since they are piecing individual photos into a 'seamless' photo you get these stretched out images where the breaks in the images have been pieced together.  Not bad but has a way to go.

I used it on Key West for a tour of a few streets.  I have to admit that I am getting more and more disappointed at the prospects of moving down there.  Houses crammed close together, no yards many newer houses are on stilts.  For the few streets that I've seen there is no industry.  At least nothing that would require my talents and skills.  I think the largest employer there is the power company.  There are tons of hotels and clubs.  But I am not in the hospitality industry.

But I will keep on checking the place out.

'till next time.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

4/7/11 - Good grief it is Thursday

Almost the end of the week. One more day to go. Can't wait for 5pm Friday.

Yesterday was not too bad. Pretty quiet really. I had a chance to concentrate on high end projects.

Went out at lunch time. It was not bad out there. Went for a nice slow walk to grab something and to enjoy the quiet. There is a woman at the office that I go to lunch with from time to time and was going to ask her to join me. But she was deep in a project on a time constraint and couldn't go. Plus she was getting over a cold and I wouldn't want her to get worse. If she was a few years older or I was a few years younger and not married...

Didn't do a thing last night. Went home, had supper, we watched part of a movie and then to bed. Real excitement. It is nice to call it quits early once in a while.

Today it is dark and rainy outside. Another good day to stay in bed but that does not pay the bills. Have to go into the office and deal with the insanity. Such is life.

Anyway gotta get ready to do battle once again.

'till next time.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

4/6/11 - Ready for another day

Woke up to a chill this morning. Sun is shining but there is a true chill. Still am going to go to work without the overcoat.

Dinner last night made us sick. We had my fav and that is corned beef. It was very greasy and I think that is doing a number on our insides. Every year it seems like that the corned beef is getting worse and worse.

I updated my info on LinkedIn last night.  One person that wanted to connect was a recruiter.  I of course accepted.  Who knows what will happen down the path.

I hope to get out of the office on time tonight.  Go home, a quick snack and then to bed...early for a change.

'till next time.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

4/5/11 - Ugly Tuesday

Woke up to ugly weather today.  It rained last night and the weather man said it will do so again during the day with high winds.  Even more rain for the rest of the week.  At least I was able to go to work without the overcoat for the first time in a while.

I spoke to the HR woman yesterday about that nut job that made a slanderous statement in writing about me.  I told her that what was done is actionable on my part and we need to discuss if there will be litigation or not. 

She tried to to do a run around but I have the email in my hand.  Told her that the only way to stop any form of law suit is to get rid of that person.  She has a very long history of making trouble for me that is well documented.  She is know to make trouble for several other people as well.  Gotta wonder why they are afraid of her.

I posted again on Craig's List.  I am not hopeful but like I keep saying, you never know.

Did my taxes last night, OMG. Talk about getting slammed by the IRS.  I still feel that it is a waste of time that we have to file 1040's even though the government takes the tax out already.  Look at all the trees we would save by not having to fill out tax forms.

Time to get back to work and dealing with the insanity of the day ahead.

'till next time.

Monday, April 4, 2011

4/4/11 - Nassau County is out of control

I was reading one of my e-papers from my in box the other day and the story was ridiculous. Our current county executive wants to slash jobs to help balance the budget. More jobs lost and higher unemployment for Nassau.

Here is an idea, instead of cutting jobs, cut some of the wages of the over paid politicians.

As an example, the Nassau County police department is the second highest paid department in the United States. Cut some of those wages and you will see a savings.

The teachers in the local public school should also have their wages slashed. They work only 9 months a year and even then it is from 9 to 3. Ok I'll let grading papers slide for a few extra hours. Plus the class sizes are getting smaller and smaller. One year half of the graduating class from the high school was functionally illiterate. And these people demand more money and the budgets get higher and higher. That is to help the teacher buy a new Mercedes every year. I watch then line of them parking in the teachers parking lot on the way to work every day.

Teaching at one point was a noble profession and the teacher made very little. Now they teach the kids to get out of their was as they pick up their 6 figure paychecks.

The roads in Nassau are in need of major repair. Where is the money to do that? In some politicians pockets of being pissed out the window.

If the county executive wants to slash jobs he should do it in his own backyard first and then force the salaries of the high paid workers to be rolled back. We would save a ton of money and keep jobs as well.

'till next time.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

4/3/11 - Saturday was a surprise

Yesterday I woke freezing my tail off. It was very cold. As the day went on it was quite nice. No jacket required. I hope today is a repeat.

Couldn't get the taxes done yesterday but will need to do so today. Got no choice.

Not much more to say at this point. But I do have something on my mind about the way Nassau County is being run. Run right into the toilet. That will be later.

'till next time.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

4/2/11 - begins

I got up to the cold this morning. It is freezing! I forgot to mention in yesterday's blog that on my way to work it was snowing! Hey this is April and there should be no snow! At least it didn't stick and was gone before I was able to grab a cup of coffee at work.

Typing this blog on the iPad is interesting. I cannot use the regular composer for it will not work with the browser. So I have to do it in clear text and add the tags for the carriage return. Thankfully I know HTML. The auto correct can be a pain and in my previous entries I had it turned off. Even with it on there are errors.

The game plan for today is to sit down and do my taxes. I hate doing that. A royal pain in the ass. Thankfully I use Turbotax which makes it a bit easier. I hope that I don't have to write a check to the IRS. Talk about thieves. They tax those that bust their asses all day and the rich seem to get away without Getting hurt. Then again they have all these tax shelters to protect themselves. I can't afford that.

I am going to try and post my resume on a few job websites today. Most of them are a waste of time, no make that all of them. The jobs do not exist. But you never know. They claim that things are getting better in the job markets.

I was at the store last night picking up a few things. Some customers were beginning to panic about the radiation from Japan. Nothing to be done folks, besides Chernobyl was a lot worse and the radiation from that did not effect us even thou it was detected around here. I never grew a third arm or anything. People have to calm down.

'till next time.

Friday, April 1, 2011

4/1/11 - Been a while

It has been a few days since my last post.  Work has been insane with no end in sight.  At least is is a job and I have to stick it out until something better comes along.

Today is clean up day in the office.  Big deal we gt to wear jeans for the first time and not get yelled at.  Plus we get to top all work for a whole five minutes to clean up.  Then back to work.  Wow I can hardly stand the excitement.

I posted again on Craig's List in hopes of  a new job in Key West.  I know that I am having second thoughts about moving there but if the right opportunity comes around for the right money I would jump at it.

Saw on the news this morning about the newscasters that were released in Libya.  One of them was a woman and she went on how she was brutalized.  Bet you that she was raped as well.  She is not the first by a long shot.  Here it is in that section of the world they demand that the women stay covered head to toe claiming that they are a treasure only to be seen by their husbands.  Yet women over there are brutalized, raped, humiliated, tortured and more all because they are women.  If they try and stand up for their rights they get gang raped and in some cases stoned to death in the streets.  I think they are animals and we should just fly a few B-52's over head filled with nukes and make the place glow at night.

Here is something real sick, Elliot Spitzer has a show on CNN and in one episode he talked about women's rights.  Now that is laugh, he was caught with pants down with a girl that was not his wife.  What about his wife's rights.  He never thought about those.  Talk about a disgrace.  I met Elliot a few years back and what a pompous stuck up ass.  I am glad his wife dumped him.  He was a rotten governor as well.  Not as bad as Paterson but a real close 2nd.

'till next time.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Last night I reviewed the forecast for the area. Snow is predicted for later this week. Please weather guru's give it up already! Enough with the snow.

Granted it has been a lot worse but I really hate snow and the sight of it. One of the reasons I want off Long Island. Although I am having second thoughts about Key West due to the floods, small houses, small yards, no jobs and in the way of major storms the thought of no snow is very appealing.

'till next time.

Friday, March 25, 2011

3/26/11 - Another wonderful day comes to an end

The day at the office has drawn to a close! Thank goodness!

We have this bookkeeper that ordered me to do a function that is something she should handle herself.  I've had more than my share of problems with her to the point that she made 'one of those complaints' against me a few years back.  She even threatened to pour water into a monitor just so she can get a new one.  Always in my face.  I am not the only one that has had problems with her.  But management is afraid of her and let's her get away with the crap.

She even opened the door for a major slander suit to be filed against her and the company.  Have to wait to see how that goes.

'till next time

3/25/11 - Another street view of Key West

Went back to Google Earth and Street View last night and snooped around Key West some more. This time I went to the Eastern side of the island, Duck Road to be specific and was disappointed with what I saw.
More houses on top of each other with little to no yards. I love a yard. There was evidence of possible flooding there as well. Puddles of water along the sides of the street with no sign that it rained. It was very reminiscent of Woodcleft Avenue in Freeeport at a high moon tide. If this was just from a high tide is this the place to move to?

Of course it was a photo and I have no real idea if the water was fresh of salt. If it was fresh, no big problem. But if it was saltwater, that can be an issue.

Going over to one of the side streets I saw several new home built on stilts and also with no yards. Now I am getting a little concerned. Looking at. FEMA flood map, that area is prone to going underwater with only a 3' storm surge. Might not be the section of Key West to look into.

I checked out a real estate site and found a 8 bedroom house near Duval Street for just over $300K. Not bad by Long Island standards. Again to Street View. More disappointment. No yard at all, not even a blade of grass. The side street is right against the building with no sidewalk. The property is broken into two, one is the main building and the second is a small attached cottage. The website stated that the main building is rated x-flood what ever that means. But I can take an educated guess that they get flooded easily.

I will need to do some more digging.

'till next time.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

3/24/11 - Thursday morning

I woke this morning and was ready to scream my lungs out. Looking out the window everything was covered in snow! Will someone tell the powers that be that this is spring? Enough all ready.

I took the day off to take my wife to the doctor and afterwards face that one chore that everyone hates doing, taxes. What a waste of time. They take money out of paychecks and we have to tell the how much they have taken and try to get some of it back. And if we make one error on the forms we get smacked, kicked, beaten up, and punished. They should just take th money and leave us alone.

Japan is in the world of hurts for the reactors. Now the radiation has been picked up in Tokyo. Water and some foods have been restricted due to the radiation. Plus the U.S. has stopped importing certain items from there. The economy of Japan will take a beating.

We will most likely ship over more food to them which is a good thing, but with the lower amounts available for us to have you will see the prices soar through the roof. Of course when Japan gets back on it's feet you better believe that the prices here will not drop one penny.

I used to pick up a bag of groceries with odds and ends for the house for maybe $20. Now that same bag with the same items now runs over $100. The disaster in Japan will only add to that. Is there an end in sight to price gouging?

A friend of mine left for Florida today. God bless her. I wish I was going but...

'till next time.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

3/23/11 - More snow...yuk

Busy at the office, then home to crash, back to the office and so on.

It is finally spring, yippie. But on Monday we had snow! Didn't stick, but it snowed all the same. Tuesday nothing, just cold. Today I woke up to more snow coming down. My wife didn't believe me until I opened he blinds. It was sticking as well. Thankfully it didn't stay and was washed away by the rain.

Right now it is still raining and we are having our first thunder storm of the year. Not a big one, just some lightening and low thunder.

The say more rain tomorrow. Yuk. But better that than snow.

'till next time.

Monday, March 21, 2011

3/21/11 - Another one bites the dust

We had another one leave us today. No great loss. The guy was a slacker and then some. He would go outside and sleep in his car instead of work or hang with his friends here. He also demanded that we give him all of our old computers. He also had sticky fingers.  All I can say is good buy to bad news.

Weekend was interesting. Not too much going on, just moving back into my office from having it painted and re-carpeted. Took forever to have the job done. The staff welcomed me back. I think one of the women here has the eye out for me. She's cute too.

The mideast is exploding again. Obama if bombing kadaffy duck or whatever that kook's name is. I think we are in for a long haul over there. A long and bloody haul.

Japan is diving fast. Now they cannot drink the milk or eat the spinach. Plus I heard that the U.S. is issuing potassium iodide pills to the military and their families. Not a good sign.

The false theory is that the iodide pills will protect you from radiation. But the reality is that it will protect the thyroid gland only for 24 hours not the rest of the body. So you can still get radiation poisoning or cancer later on.

At least they are getting the reactors cool with seawater. It will destroy them but at least they will be cooled down.

But here is a question that no one has asked. The reason the reactors are hot is because of the nuclear fission that is going on inside them. To stop the fission all they would have to do is lower the control rods that will absorb the neutrons and stop the whole process. But I have to wonder why don't they? The reactors are toast and are useless anyway. I think that they can't lower the rods for they or the operating hardware were destroyed in the explosions or are severely damaged by the meltdown. As such they cannot be used. So how it the hell are they going to stop the fission in the first place? Let it run for the next 1,000 years and just pump millions of gallons of seawater into it?

Here is another question, what happens with the overflow of seawater? It is radioactive and they cannot let it drain into the harbor. Eventually the building will be so flooded with the radioactive water it will leak out unless that is happening now or just spill out of the building. As anyone thought of this?

'Till next time.

Friday, March 18, 2011

3/18/11 - Interesting few days

Japan now has it's own version of Three Mile Island with the disaster of the nuke plant. I am certain it will be another Chernoybl. Radiation is just hitting the west coast now. It is not much to be worried about. Same thing happened with Chernoybl. But I see some glint of panic in a few peoples eyes and we are 3,000 miles away. Nothing you can do about it except stay in doors if you are worried. Bet you cannot find a dosimeter any place by now.

'till next time.

Monday, March 14, 2011

3/14/11 - Second explosion in Japan nuke plant

The devastation from the earthquake and tsunami in Japan caused damage to a nuclear plant which caused the cooling pumps to fail. On Saturday one of the containment building exploded from the high levels of hydrogen gas that built up on the inside.

Sunday (our time) a second building exploded housing another reactor.

The reports state that there in no danger that the reactor vessels were damaged in either building. But they are evacuating people in a 20km radius just to play it safe.

Next thing the reports did say that a small amount of radiation has been released into the atmosphere. A little while later a report said that in one of the containment building, and is is second blast, they were venting radioactive steam and gases out of a building to lower the internal pressure to prevent an explosion.

You watch on TV officials setting up a decontamination center someplace and then you see the checking people for radiation. And you hear about iodine pills being handed out to protect the thyroid gland from radiation just to play it safe.

To try and protect the reactors form having a meltdown they are pumping seawater into them to cool them down. Some say that is a last ditch effort but since they are near a plentiful supply it makes perfect sense since they most likely used up the fresh water.

My questions on all of this a this:
Where did the hydrogen gas in the buildings come from in the first place? Is it a byproduct of nuclear fission from the reactor? If so how did it get outside the reactor vessel?

They say that the reactor vessels were not damaged by the explosions. Can they prove this? I have to remain skeptical on that. I am sure the stainless steel cases where damaged if not the supporting equipment like controls pumps and what have you where damaged or destroyed.

If the they have to vent off radioactive steam from the buildings how did it get in there in the first place?
If the government is setting up decontamination centers and is handing out iodine pills,the problem is a lot worse than what we are led to believe.

They are pumping seawater into the reactors to cool them, great. But what is happening with the heated water? Is it bilingual away to steam and where is the steam going? If not being boiled into steam what are they doing with the discharge? Both would be radioactive and dangerous. Or are they pumping the water through the heat exchanges where the discharge would not be radioactive?

If the cooling pumps where damage by the quake and following explosions how are they pumping water in the first place?

I am certain we are looking at another Chernobyl or TMI in the making. If it is let's all hope that it is no where a bad as either plant. But time will tell.

'till next time.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

3/13/11 - Looking at Key West

I have been doing some serious thinking about moving to Key West for the past month or so. I am tired of snow and cold. Plus life on Long Island stinks. High taxes, poorly maintained roads, over priced homes and more.

I started looking at Key West and found that there are some very affordable homes there with very low taxes. Of course when you go on the real estate sights you see places at over a million. A lot of them. Guess it is like New York, the higher the house price the larger to commission so why push the house under 300,000 in the first place?

Looking at some of the photos these affordable house look small and with no yards. Going to Google Earth and finding these places I saw that they are small and no yards at all. A lot of the houses are on top of each other. So to get a better look I used Street View and was shocked at what I saw. No yards, houses practically touching each other and in some areas the place is very run down.

Have to wonder if it is that way all over the island. I did look around the cemetery area where they are in a low flood area all the way to where the topo map has the ground elevation at 10' above sea level. Even a few small business sections looked pretty beat up. Nothing like what you see on Duval Street. Then again Duval Street is a tourist area.

Looking for work there is frustrating. No jobs except in the hospitality sector and there are not many of those. I am certain that they do not pay very well either. Probably no more that $15 per hour. Chump change considering that level of employment that I am at. It does not appear to be any jobs there for a CTO. But I am still going to try.

From what I have seen so far, Key West might not be a true paradise. But it sure looks better than here. I just have to keep looking and doing my research to see how feasible it would be to pack up and leave.

'till next time.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Friday, March 11th

Woke up this morning the devastating wave that hit Japan. Reminiscent of the one that hit Indonesia a few years back. Horrible. Nature at it's worst.

What ticked me off is that the U.S. Fleet was tied up in Pearl and was told not to leave port for the wave was on it's way there. Being a sailor I can tell you that the safest place to be would be out to sea where you can ride it out. Tied up at shore give you no room to escape.

We should all pray that everyone is alright and that the families are reunited.

'till next time.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Nassau County has 50 red light cameras. Recently they obtained funding for an additional 100 of these machines. The purpose is that if you run a red light the camera takes your photo and you get a summons in the mail.

Great idea except it violates your civil rights on a wholesale level. In normal circumstances if you run a red light a police car pulls you over and an officer writes you up. You can pay the fine or appear in court to fight it by facing your accuser. This is a fundamental right we as Americans have. To face your accuser in open court.

With said how can you face your accuser if it is a 50' steel pole with cameras? Do you really think that Nassau County is going to dig one up and bring it in? And how can it even face cross examination?

These machines strip away that right all together. A friend in California told me that they are getting rid of the red light cameras just for that reason.

But the county is not without a heart. Normally the fine would be stiff and you would get points on your license. But here since they cannot prove who is driving, just a fine.

What it boils down to is another way that Nassau County lines its pockets with your hard earned money. A cash cow. Not crime and punishment just profitering.

No wonder I hate living on Long Island.

'till next time.